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Prince Charming returns from a failed attempt at rescuing Fiona, and works alongside his mother, the Fairy Godmother, to try and find a way to get Shrek away from Fiona. Download Shrek (2001) Torrent Ahora, a menos que pueda encontrar un sustituto adecuado, tendrá que resignarse a estar realmente fastidiado el resto de sus días. Shrek 2001 Shrek: When a green ogre named Shrek discovers his swamp has been 'swamped' with all sorts of fairytale creatures by the scheming Lord Farquaad, Shrek sets out with a very loud donkey by his side to 'persuade' Farquaad to give Shrek his swamp back. There are blind mice in his food, a big, bad wolf in his bed, three little homeless pigs and more, all banished from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad. It's not this torrent's fault that you can't use delaycut and other programs. When his father-in-law suddenly croaks, Shrek is left with the duty and responsibilities of running Far Far Away as the new king. Accompanying him on his mission is wisecracking Donkey, who will do anything for Shrek.

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