Once Upon A Time Season 7 Episode 17

With the Curse broken, Mr. Gold (aka Rumplestiltskin) was free to bring magic to Storybrooke. © ABC

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Her engagement ring and the voicemail from her former fiancé are pure proof of what she's sacrificing by being here. As Zelena, she has to reckon with all the terrible things she's done in her past, and we're about to revisit a really bad one. Nick hijacks Henry's phone to check in with Jacinda so that everything seems on the up and up. As far as she (and by extension anyone else who checks in on him through her) is concerned, he's still in New York for his big podcasting interview, and her biggest concern is whether he'll get the job and how they'll navigate the difficult waters of a long-distance relationship with one another. Little does she know, it's Nick texting (and scheming) on the other end. He doesn't appear to be interested in hurting Jacinda, for now at least, so Henry tries to figure out what his bigger plan really is. Like Hansel, Henry can identify with loss and says he wants to help Nick rewrite his story with whatever ending he'd like. But Nick knows that he only offers that arrangement to villains and insists he's not the baddie of this tale.

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That moment of mercy is enough to show Chad that whatever Kelly did as Zelena — minus all the fairytale business, of course, because that's just too weird for him to even comprehend at this stage — she's changed now and he can still love and marry her. With Roni and Margot's blessing, she'll go back to San Francisco, pumping cardio and becoming a simple bride with a fresh new start. Who knew the Wicked Witch could have a happy ending? The most wicked witch of all, however, is still high on the must-kill list, at least where Facilier is concerned. Nick wasn't able to pull it off, but that doesn't mean the bad doctor's giving up on taking Mother Gothel down.

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Now Playing 15 Times Once Upon a Time Broke Our Hearts Next Up The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 17 'Brothers' Sneak Peek Everyone knows that the final few minutes of every Once Upon a Time episode can be make or break as the show drops pivotal moments in the final seconds — be it a plot twist, a sudden death or even a new curse. That's obviously why fans were left a little angry when the final minutes of tonight's episode were preempted so President Donald Trump could address the nation about Syria. In the final scene, Dr. Facilier (Daniel Francis) visited the newly imprisoned Hansel ( Nathan Parsons) in jail, confirming that he was in fact the one that woke Hansel up, hoping he'd take out Mother Gothel ( Emma Booth). Can't have any other witches in competition for that Dark One magic about to be up for grabs, right? Unfortunately, right as it appeared Dr. Facilier and Hansel were going to have a pretty nasty confrontation, the show was cut off to announce President Trump would be addressing the nation shortly.

I am so ready for all the characters to "wake up" to join forces and take down Facilier and Gothel. The two villains may be against each other, but the world will be a much better place without both of them. I should have known that Facilier was the one pulling strings with Nick. That man does not miss a trick, and I'm still expecting him to stick the knife into Regina in the coming episodes. He's the type of man who lures people into a false sense of security before dropping them like a misshaped beignet. The scene of him taking the perfect pastry was strange, but it helped bring the episode to a satisfying conclusion. It's sad that Zelena is now out of the picture because she's one of the best characters. But she has to go off and carve her own path, or she will always be orbiting the latest schemes that plague the characters. It was great that Regina was okay with her going away. Yes, it's going to take longer to get through to Henry, but it showed us that Regina cared a lot about her sister's happiness.

Episode of once upon time

This fight isn't just about outmuscling Nick; she also needs to defeat her own past to make her worthy of a future. (Yes, she and Weaver have a lot more in common than either of them would care to admit. ) Back in Oz, Zelena wakes up from her sugary melee to find that she's been rescued from nearly freezing to death by a blind man. He seems nice enough and even mended her necklace for her, but there's a catch. He's the father of Hansel and Gretel, the very same children whom she refused to rescue from certain death before. Prince Naveen is still running recon for Dr. Facilier, whether he likes it or not. He's gotten Sabine to fully trust him at this point, which means she's taught him her special recipe for beignets, just as our witch doctor wanted. He'll take that and use it to light up his little voodoo doll and…well, we don't know what he's got in store just yet, but Regina is right to second-guess his intentions in coming here, that's for sure. Zelena accepts dear old dad's hospitality by day and watches him go out in search of his children by night.

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That, he explains, is actually his Aunt "Kelly, " who's really the Wicked Witch in disguise. Henry, who's still cursed and thinks of his own stories as pure fiction, doesn't know her as Zelena, and he refuses to accept that she's anyone but the kind San Francisco-based, granola-loving woman who's got a fiancé and a cycling gig. He won't help Nick with killing her. Except that by telling him those details about her, he already has. Whoops. Kelly (wisely) decides to get some help and heads to the police station. Although it's Rogers who jumps to her assistance most eagerly, she knows that it's Weaver who'll really understand what kind of mess she's in right now. Of course, he has nearly no desire to help her, considering their history, but if he ever wants to see Belle again, he can't just let her get murdered all of a sudden, so he'll have to play nice this time around. Instead of arming her with a weapon larger than Roni/Regina's bar bat, he decides to simply give her back her old necklace.

Oncers were... less than happy about the unexpected interruption. Man they interrupting my show for some Trump nonsense #OUAT #OnceUponAtime — Metroplex Boomin (@soundwave803) April 14, 2018 — Jackie (@ImpsDelights) April 14, 2018 Okay, someone tell me what the real ending to #OUAT was tonight because my episode ended with Trump's orange face coming into my TV. — Tracy (@TracyJ516) April 14, 2018 Trump spoke for 10 minutes. He couldn't wait for another minute? Seriously?! My QUEEN had her directorial debut today. #DirectedByLanaParrilla #DirectorParrilla #OUAT — An Evil Regal (@onceanevilregal) April 14, 2018 Once Upon a Time did return after 20 minutes following Trump's address, and Hansel did indeed have a struggle with Dr. Facilier... one that ended up being deadly for the burned witch-hunter. Facilier ended up using a voodoo doll to magically murder Hansel on the spot! Once Upon a Time fans weren't the only ones screwed over by this preemption though. The break lasted well into the 9 o'clock hour, preempting the first chunk of Marvel's Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. too.

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